Sunday, July 8, 2007


if you get sad easily.then means you have mood swing.its not that i say you are like bad temper or i dont wan you to be sad always.dont be my you become like that i was likedunno how to say already.its not i blame you or wad.its that we can have dun together eventhough you had any problem.i noe how you felt cos i am once like that.

mood swing fast.
mood changed fast.
let it be buried under your heart.
to wake you up from unhappiness.
open your eyes for new start of the journey
and bring happiness.
joyful with you.

sorry to those who i had made them sad.cos you noe i am a very terrible person.if i have mistake,pls tell me.and the worst important thing was that i dont wanna any more misunderstanding from now on.friend is a person who go through hardship and happiness with you.and a very trustworthy person.any problem,dont hide under ur heart.just tell us.we maybe can let u calm urself or even help you solved the problem.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

heys!!!sorry for not updating.but i had changed the blogskin.

now,i am like having a competition with time.its seems that time flies faster that i now is already 2nd week of term3 and its going to end this i am studying for tml chinese test.i dont now why lah,but now i felt that i recently become very lazy and wad our home economic teacher said that when depressed u may eat more than usual.seems that i will be fat.tml gotta band.i noe its tiring but still must continue with the cca.since the start of the year,i strive hard to get to my goals, success but now lazy.even though teachers may give stress but it was a time to let ourself get ready for further more challenging problem.
like a problem solving,its like u need teachers teaching then u noe how to solve rite?i dont now why i want to talk about DAO just now i felt at the bottom of my heart.looks like my blog was full of anime cartoon.yea.i told ur that i really like anime not is LOVE anime.others may think i am a little siao, siao but its my hobby and my faves.

to cool urself from stress may have different methods like shouting at ur house,write ur feelings in ur own dairy or anything u can express ur own feelings and mood.if u r that kind of mood swing person,pls bear the mood to ur dairy or give out all ur feelings to may help you better.or can write poems...if gotta any problem, can tell me in the tagboard or tell me personally.

looks like tml was a very tiring day.gotta pe,band and lots of tiring our class havent even have the proper chairman.waiting for voting then i will vote for jiexin,qinping,xinhua or other responsible ppl.hope that everything will remain fine after the person take the chairman place.i noe how val felt for being the chairman.shouting, control the whole class was not an easy task.get ready for everything.gtg liao...bye