Friday, November 30, 2007

Band Camp


just came back from band camp and getting ready to post my band camp journey:D yeps.its tiring.heehee.okay lets start with day one:)

DAY 1:

my mum drove me to sch to meet Qinping and WeiLu. then we have briefing for our band camp.we have group discussion after that.we are to gather into our groups and discuss what to perform for last day of the camp.cheer,skit,song.many.we chose cheer as its was more easier than group leader, YuWei, assistant leader, ChingLeng.Elfina was our Sec 3 advisor. very fast we had figure out our cheer thingy. then we have full band to practice for SAF central band invitation. after that we are divided into brasses and woodwinds (percussion) to sit in different bus.HengJie and Dionysia they all having good time laughing and becos of HengJie's contagious laughter.i also laugh like hell.then we reached central band finally:)then,we saw some brown t-shirt guys doing drills.i thought they din wear any clothes becos of their tanned skin and everyone in the bus start to eeeek!hahas.then we went for photo-taking.then we went for the tour briefing.they given us some welcome gifts and appointed us to many groups for touring around the central band.our tour guide,Benny,take us around.then i saw this very old was very VERY old and RUSTY.its used by a man(i forget this name).while Benny was also a trumpeter since primary school:)hahas.then we have to play ROSS ROY and AMAZING GRACE to them.after our performance(i played very badly:( ), its their turn to perform for us.then we have sectionals with their SL.our SL,Benny,(its not the Benny who guide us around) teaches us alot of,the way of breathing the air,straight.low c to high c.he was so damn pro.he can from low c and blow until very very high c.and his fingering was fast.heehee.he gave us some notes for us to practice our trumpet.then we played the two songs again with was nice.then we went back to sch to get ourselves clean.i meant bathing.we went to the bathroom and saw a very big GRASSHOPPER!i dunno it was Locust or grasshopper.its was so and we quickly bath and went out of the bathroom.everygirls were screaming.i was so scared.then we have our dinner.then we have our night activties.KIDNAPPED.we are supposed to find the hostage and must go past every section.we are the last to was fun actually.then we have supper.then zzzzzz...ohh wait! we also played cards before went to zzzzz:)

DAY 2:

wake up about 6am.brush teeth,change clothes for morning exercise.then we have breakfast(bread with peanut butter).then sec1 which was us have theory test!then full band we played LAY MARMALADE.. and with the dance.heehee.then we have on song performance.then lunch(chicken rice).then we have drills.then we have some games:)last also:P.thenwe went for some water bomb!seniors pour water with DETERGENT!and we juniors throw water bomb at them.i dunno i got throw at Janelle:P.heehee.oops.then we go for bath.AGAIN!the GRASSHOPPER still over there the whole night.i thought it fly away yesterday.then we called for mdm hidayah.then she called for some boys to catch it.then we were saved.hahas.have a good bath.then we have our dinner(fried rice).then...we have our NIGHT WALKS! then we went through many sections.quite fun but then scary!then we went for sleep....

DAY 3:

ohh almost late!we rushed for exercise.then have full band. then have captain ball games then went home sweet home:)

yea,its tiring but then fun:)heehee.

Friday, November 23, 2007



i was being very bored so i decided to post my blog.yesterday having band practice AGAIN!but then is the last one this year.i think so.maybe:(now preparing for band camp:)hmmm.when you visit my blog,tag me okkays?leave a TAG okkays?ok ok now i am being annoying:Di had told you once i like FINAL FANTASY VII & FINAL FANTASY VIII rite? heehee now i uploaded videos for this two animes couples:Pi know FINAL FANTASY VII is known as advent children.

this is from FINAL FANTASY VIII : Rinoa and Squall:)

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and this is from FINAL FANTASY VII - advent children : Cloud and Tifa:)

hahas.hope you all like it cos i felt these are nice videos.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

hahas:)i know i had change alot to my blog.i'm trying to change a little bit on my blog cos its sounds or look boring rite?i guess so.cos can see from the tag and some of the reasons is i long time din really go and post.hmm.i guess i have really rotten my blog:(but then i tried to make more effort on welcome!heehee.tag when you leave kkays?opinion?its having band again.sighs.concentrating on our pieces.and recently we have our theory test,i scored it very mr wong returned back our papers.and practices on ross roy.hmmm.yeps its all day practicing that.and we heard some onsongs.trumpet sections,flute sections & euphoium and tuba section:)after band then straightly head back home.jeez.its tired man!!!

during the band camp we'll have to visit central military band.hmm looks fun.heehee.din really went online this days cos very tired.looks like not all ccas have their cca during hols.dunno why?i dunno wad to post these days.heehee.i think i will be ending my post here.

nothing much to say...but then i say one more time

enjoy your holidays!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

hey i had changed my blogskin:)sorries for not posting for soooo LONG.busy doing with my homeworks:Pi know alot of people haven't complete or haven't even start yet:Dman man lai;Dheehee,now having alot of band practices.hmm.quite tired.and still need to prepare for band camp.sighs.morning jog really refreshes me from uploading some pictures kkays cos i have nothing to write on.heehee.ok i will try to post oftenly.

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