Monday, August 18, 2008

thought that i will then slack again in my blog. hahas. last mon thought got adrain mole test but then its cancelled. hooray!!!after school, me, val, shiying,sazlina,weilu,yongfa,yonghong,eugene went to play soccer cos we felt that we had not been playing soccer since before common test. changed and get my stuff ready. have GREAT FUN with them. hahas. we din finish our soccer because heavy rain starting to pour. sighs. need to wait for the rain to stop. we stop by gek poh to have a quick drink and went mcdonalds to share fries. it was fun and funny!

everytime, have soccer session really have a great fun and learning the soccer techniques. oh yea, clara came back from her mc. hahas. she had to take test today. hmmm. maybe these few days the weather wasn't quite good. alot of people is getting sick.

knowing that we are going to learn new piece called the seventh night of july. it was difficult. i tried to listen to the recording but then i was still lost. hahas. omisoka is my rhythmn problem. why dont try listening?heehee:)

today got literature test but it doesn't look like a test.hahas. then mr chia din come again and you know what. that relief teacher is always the same and always let us late for dissmisal. we got cca wan leh! LOL:Dband was okay today, blowing our achool anthem. it was very different from the original sound track. it was for practicing side-reading. celebrate mr wong's late birthday party in the canteen but because we had something on so we went off early. very excited for our goodwood performance!haha!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

yesterday was a humid and HOT day. i mean hot is really very hot. val and i went to jurong west stadium's swimming pool to have a swim and relaxing from the HOT HEAT! changed finish, we went into the lazy pool first. it was so cold, count to three, we went into the water. it was a warm up for us. haha. then we went to the outdoor swimming pool to have a swim. deciding to swim how many laps, swim for a while, val's sister came to join us. we went to the lazy pool again. then val's sister had injured her toe so we went for first aid. then we went for the slide. it was humid inside the coolness you can feel is only the water flowing through your butt. it was FUN! we went for almost 5 times. LOLs. then we went for catching inside the lazy pool. val is the catcher and me and sister is the victim. it was tough going through the water. in the end, we got caught! hahas:) then, we went backwards through the flow of the water. it was fun but difficult to walk through. the water was like pushing you infront but we were moving backwards. then we went for jacuzzi. haha. massage everywhere! then we went for change and have lunch at seven eleven. i bought fried laksa and val bought apple juice (for me, thanks yous:)), sandwich and nescafe. it was so nice eating after swimming. then we went home. it was fun! we thought the the swimming complex closed because its national day but it doesnt:)

i had a great fun!


the days:)

hey guys! very sorry for the lateee update of my blog. now school had been quite busying doing things or cca. we had three new classmates with us in 1euphoric no, is 2EXQUISITEMEMERALD now being a senior can be hard cos now we had to learn new pieces on our own and teach the juniors. hahas. i had been VERY busy of thing with the ndp and cultural expression. mon we have parade rehearsal, tues we have folkdance rehearsal, wed we have parade rehearsal, thur we have folkdance rehearsal. fri is the acutal day. val and i were like running here and there to find the accessories for the folkdance costume. we also met mdm saha on the way. hahas

on the actual day we were like rushing here and there. first we had to wake up VERY early becos we had to reached at 615am. tried..then we had parade. i was very scared that i cant reached high G in majulah's trumpet fanfare. but i did reached it. hahas. thunderer was really fun. i was able to reached high F in the melody. haha. then rushing to change into my folkdance costume then wearing my accessories. our competition dance were quite messy but nice and we managed to get 2ND PLACE! we improved alot. last year, we gotten 3rd place. WELL DONE GUYS! hahas.

after that we went to changed back into our band uniform then we home to have a quick changed cos i meet val, ridhuan and max for lunch. hahas. we reached pizza hut and we had to book the seat becos there was too many people. waited for 45 mins, finally we can eat becos we haven eat from morning until now. finished, we went to arcade for a while but din play anything and went home to have a good rest. hahas.

next week will be our common test. i wishes everyone goodluck for common test:)

still have art to do:)

Friday, August 8, 2008