Friday, May 29, 2009


holiday finally is here, yep, for all students happy holiday!

eventhough holiday is here but it maybe not a holiday for me. busy with studies and cca. hahas, but some people would be more busier than me:) so i will handle it. having the goal to get better results for the 2nd semester so now i really have to work harder than i usually had. i think this test i did not put in alot of effort in it. quite sad about my results so yeah, have to work hard!!!

still reading new moon but going to finish!!i have to read finish before the movie comes out. ready to read eclipse. but before i read it, i have to read the two chinese book and the history thingy book so have to take quite long. hahas, i just have to say: have a great time in perth people who going to perth:)

sec 2 have a good time in their nyaa camp:) SL's too:) HAVE FUN:D

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


back from knowing my results, it had gone worst. i really have to buck up. i had to think about next year now even if its too early. i cannot be a last minute eventhough i had been like that so i need to change to be more confident in my subjects.
band is back today, seeing the sec1s having a hard time in the rhythm. exciting:) good luck to them this fri. hahas, section fund will be receive by me. MONEY COME:) okay money face.
or how the world can seem so long
or how the world can see so vast
courage see me through
heart i'm trusting you
on this journey to the past

Saturday, May 23, 2009


i think that rainbows are very beautiful, seven colours joined together makes a nice match
red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo, violet. nice colours matched together form rainbow
hahas, i suddenly thought of rainbow cos i watch a video and i saw rainbow and its specially nice to see. i rmb that when i go for sec 3 camp, i saw rainbow in the sky. its pretty and again in school on the day during examination.
i wonder when i will see a rainbow again in the sky:)

Friday, May 22, 2009

back again

hahas, back again
staying at home doing nothing but surfing internet and listening to songs
heard new songs that i like it, thanks val for recommending.

recently quite addicted to computers i think its becos mid-years have over.
sighs, days had been travelling faster and faster and you din not know what
time it is and you had realised that time had become later than you think.
time never waits for you. i think that time faster, maybe the earth had speed
up its rotation.

thinking that i am still a child but no, i am growing up. growing older and older
i wish to go back time when i was young. i want to create a time machine to return
being a kid is so nice, everyday only knows how to smile, laugh and cry, making
people laugh. its so nice to be that way. seeing my cousins laugh allow me to think
back time. hahas, being a kid is so good. okay, i had been talking about time for too long.

busy everyday also not a good thing so i think i better relax now if not next year, no more
relaxing now.

i like candle by hey monday! its so nice:)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

the matter of days

looooonnnnnng not posting, busy with LOT of things.

now finally posting,mid-year exams finishes on wed so i had been at home playing, watching, typing the whole day
playing games can be fun but when you cant go to the next level, you are tired of it already. i had been going to facebook
all the time. now changing my skin too.

i want to drink HOT CHOCOLATE IN STARBUCKS.i drink that on wed with val:) cooling and nice talks with her.thanks val:D
june hols is coming and i had to start studying hard cos i know i cant make it for my amaths and physics. as what dad say, i have to
practice my assesmentbook now.
bored but i cant waste my time cos its not all day like this, going to school is also quite tiring so yeah, xiang soh:)