Friday, May 29, 2009


holiday finally is here, yep, for all students happy holiday!

eventhough holiday is here but it maybe not a holiday for me. busy with studies and cca. hahas, but some people would be more busier than me:) so i will handle it. having the goal to get better results for the 2nd semester so now i really have to work harder than i usually had. i think this test i did not put in alot of effort in it. quite sad about my results so yeah, have to work hard!!!

still reading new moon but going to finish!!i have to read finish before the movie comes out. ready to read eclipse. but before i read it, i have to read the two chinese book and the history thingy book so have to take quite long. hahas, i just have to say: have a great time in perth people who going to perth:)

sec 2 have a good time in their nyaa camp:) SL's too:) HAVE FUN:D

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