Tuesday, December 1, 2009


hey hey!

nice to be back again and i know that i have alot of things that i haven even touch or do! alot man! and i am going to prepare christmas shopping, hahas, have to save up some money yah, hahas okay now i haven being posting yeah,

same things happens, i think i cant constantly post something everyday ba. now i realised that alot of places that are so nice that i didnt get the chance to go and check it out. hmmm, some trips are cancelled, but i am glad that we were able to make it for the section outing. hahas, hot man that day. first time going to marina barrage. its so nice there but too bad cos of the bad whether condition.

yeah, now posting but dunno when i am going to post again but by the way everyone happy holidays. val had gone to overseas, hahas yi lu soon feng lei! wish you were back now and i miss you, girl! hahas,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


i just finish my test recently and i felt i am freed from everything eventhough i know that my 'o' is coming. sighs, yeah just wondering if other school is still having exams. there still are schools having exams. updating quite less cos did not have the often feeling to post something in the blog. yeah now i am updating here. watching movies, now i am looking forward to new moon currently. cos i read the book already and wanted to see in action. yeah about this photo, i just picked it cos i think that it is beautiful. hope you'll like it. yay, free from stress and now just waiting you know waiting...

Thursday, September 3, 2009


another day and its coming holiday. sighs, test all get back but not satified.
no much things have been what i predicted and eventually it became worst. i felt that things can be in varies and what i had intented to do did not eventually do. i think i become more and more lazy than before. at least ppl had the limit okay you have to do it becos you will get scolded or something but i cannot. homework had been delayed as my laziness is working up again and again. now im going to do all now.

band have been quite tired for me and we have no goals for us to improve on but now seems to have, have exchange in the end of the year so have to practice hard and ensemble makes me worried. i was quite scared of that becos i have never done it before eventhough i am already sec 3 . things are tougher and harder, luckily my section is okay. sighs, times flies and that what i always say. im going to sec4 and that scares me.

good luck and happy holidays everyone.

(cannot put pic cos com cannot)

Friday, July 24, 2009


hahas, i duuno why my com cannot put in the picture so no picture now so sorry, i found some nice one but cannot be upload so yeah, days gone fast, yesterday chinese test sighs, you know what i mean ba, okay, band started too and jericho is so nice, hahas

if you see a beautiful butterfly what would you do? catch it or photo it. hold in our hand sound nice so comfortable but it will eventually fly away before i could even touch it. the freedom of flying makes everyone envy about them.:)

Friday, July 10, 2009


school starts already after the long holiday, yeah, homeworks again piling up. hahas, things are getting harder and harder. yeah, preparing for folkdance today. sighs, tired after the long day. must jiayous for the following tests. really have to buck up, saying doesnt really help but i need to be motivate. i am going for the chinese supplementary tml, even someof my classmates. hahas, still got cca after that. playing facebook's resturant city for quite awhile then i went to do other things.

like the picture, a summer set, looks so beautiful and wide. freedom as i can see from the pic, the wondrous sky with different colours from the shine of the sunlight, seeing the beautiful picture makes me warm:)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

becoming serious

i find this tulip very beautiful so i decided to post this pic. yeah, it so nice. i wonder now why H1N1 has become so serious but the school still doesnt want to have one more week to rest. some of the students may went overseas during the last week of hols so noticing whether yourself having that dieases need 7 days. now school had cancelled all cca so i think its because of this. they dont want to spread the disease around. so everyone pls be careful:)

Friday, June 19, 2009


summer time:) hot this month. even if got raining also like no use. the highest temperature also increase by 1 degree. so hot! but seeing the flowers being planted will makes me happy. plants experience good sunlight would grow into a pretty one. i finally had a taste of the hot summer weather eventhough this country had been hot as it is near the equator. this year, the weather seems to be hotter than before. hahas, good for people who want to do suntanning.
sunny day can be great but it can be bad. i prefer raining weather as it is cooling eventhough it can be cold sometimes. thunder, lightning striking!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


actually, i quite like the sakura flower as it is beautiful hanging in the sky. it is called th cherry blossom. cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming. cherry blossom is an omen of good fortune and is also an emblem of love, affection and represents spring. cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature of life, and as such are frequently depicted in art. cherry blossoms and leaves are both edible and used as food ingredients in Japan.
looks great, it can even make greentea. i love greentea:) hahas, beautiful flowers shows its own beautiful significance:)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


quite long did not post, doing homework still. i just put this anime pic cos i just suddenly wanted to. very long did not put an anime pic inside my blog so yeah. days gone very fast and the day of school opening is coming fast and only like one and half weeks to go. uhhh, sighs. val, yi lu soon feng! i will miss you:)

HAHAS, days dragggg...

Sunday, June 14, 2009


see the beautiful sunset, we can see sunset often even in our home. the colour of the sunset is not only orange but the range of it. it shows its pretty sunlight that shine on the earth. i like sunset cos sometimes it has other colours like red or purple. hahas, sunset behind the ocean is the most beautiful sunset. sunrise at the sea is also the same thing. ocean is where all the beautiful things shows its true faces. the smooth white pearl sand, the clear blue aqua colour. i like the seaside at other countries. once a go to indonesia, the sea is so pretty. i love it:)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


balloons, a flying object that have many colours in them. they are elastic and a wonderful partner to play with. well, i like water balloon games that really can splash you mad!!hahas, hot air balloons, i havent been able to sit on it. i have never try before. it should be fun:) band sometimes will use this to train our air. it is useful, playful and even painful. when it burst on your face, thats it! your mouth will swollen or still in pain from the bursting. i tried it before and it is really pain:) be careful!! when you use them. its like rubber band. shoot you! damn painful:)
yeah lah, ballooooonnnns, i sometimes very scared of it. its not sometimes, its always, i dont dare to touch it cos i scared it will burst cos when i was little i once blow the balloon and it burst on my face. from then on, i dun dare to touch it anymore. even folding scapture also got problem.


isnt this picture nice? yes, i like it. i dunno why i feel like it is showing freedom in it. shining of sunlight, making the lady smile in happiness because of freedom. yeah, everyone likes to be free but in what situation. looking at it, freedom can be a good thing but to somebody it may not.

i like to be free and carefree. no worries thats the kinda of freedom that i really want. free from worries and enjoy my life and be cheerful everytime i see faces of people. that can be very interesting. i think... hahas. ohhh i suddenly remember that i have a CME work to do about moral stories and i wonder why i suddenly think of it. hahas, got to have my dream come true!!!:)


is this called dandelion? i suddenly forget about it. i like this flower cos its like a parachute. when it is blown, it spread itself into tiny little thingy, flying freely without any weight so i like it. its so peaceful and nice. just like a gentle feather, freely fly around with the wind and dispersed to different places. its like it can travel to different countries and thats what i like actually. world-wide travelling. but i really have to earn alot of money to get that kind of life, hahas. if singapore have dandelion, i really want to go there for awhile to see and blow the dandelion's seeds away from the stalk. i really wish to. but it looks like i had to travel to other places to see them cos i know that someday i will be there to see them. wait till i have the opportunity i will go and see them.

from the wiki, it says that this is called a parachute ball and dandelion is like a yellow flower. Dandelions, flowers, roots and leaves, have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine & medicinal teas, most notably for liver detoxification, as a natural diuretic and inflammation reduction. hahas, cool:)

Monday, June 8, 2009


seeing the little girl blowing bubbles, looks fun. i did not really play bubbles when i was young cos my mum did not like the feeling of the detergent being leak out and stain my whole hand and making my hand soapy. so yeah, hahas i believe alot of you had play alot of time. seeing the bubbles you wanted to hold it but it always burst when it reach your hand. what is the texture of the bubbles? never hold it before thus curious about it. magicians had this kind of bubbles that would never break even if a person was inside the bubbles. so cool, i wish i had that kind of bubbles. even if i was bathing. i would tend to play with the shampoo and make bubbles with it but it still burst.hahas, yeah...


sunflower:) this is meant to be a background and it looks beautiful thats why i post it. sunflower is a flower that normally allow people to smile when they saw them. happiness is free, i believe. happiness is for everyone in the world and its free for everyone to have it. it is not by permission by someone around them but its by the permission by themselves. its their choice to have happiness, the path that lead to happiness. okay, i am talking about CME now. so enjoy the beautiful sunflower:)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


this picture i get it as illusion. i wonder why? it looks nice to me and seem to talk about something that inspire me. a family under the dark blue sky whith a tree. i wonder...i admire it long enough and it still look nice so i post it here:) make a guess what it is talking about, what is it showing you about. moonlight that shines behind the family with music note...hahas

Friday, June 5, 2009


i wished that i lived in a place where there is full of snowflakes that allows me to hold it and melt in my warm hand. but its too bad. touching the snowflakes and the snow made me feel it melts into my hands, making me shiver. the beautiful shape of it allow me to admire. it may seem to be sharp but it can be made to blunt.
living in such places maybe cold but its fun to be playing with snow.hahas, dreaming to be in Europe now. the dry and cold weather is so cool. even in the holidays, we can play snowfight with friends or even clearing the snow outside my house. surrounding me will be full of snow that just fall a few seconds ago. making our favourite snowman:D
that was what they do in their winter times, its so cold and cooling that made everyone happy, enjoying their christmas day in the snow with their loved ones. imagine that a SANTA CLAUS will be in the town giving children his gifts. okay, i am starting to dream of something that was quite impossible to happen but if i am able to go all the way to Europe, that would be the nicest thing:)
suddenly thought of snowing cos now in Singapore was so hot, the sunlight was very strong and everyone was saying the same word again and again. now maybe summer but its too hot than the usual Singapore. i prefer cold than hot so thats why.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

after band

these few days may quite busy as i have band. teaching the sec 1s were quite slack but fun with my section. getting back my report slip was disappointing and get scolded by mum. i know its that i did not put in alot of effort thus i had this kind of result. in the hols, i did not want to go out too much as i think now its the important year for 'o' level. i tried to cope with the homeworks and outing. now i really did not want to think too much about it and just do my job.

just came back from cca was tiring, wanted to go to sleep but my eyes were wide-opened. finally now then its the real hols. many other ppl were at camp or preparing for perth trip:) and i will be wishing good luck to them. new moon going to come out during the november. WHAT!!! looks like i have to wait for quite a long time but i know time flies. but i dont want to flies so fast. UGHH! i just have to manage my time properly. i still believe that i can do it like everyone around me, supporting me:)

now its like so long did not go to facebook as like i said no time. now i have to practice trumpet and studying too. on mon, its the chinese 'o' level and looking from their faces looks difficult. hahas good luck ppl. i believe that you can do it. JIAYOU for EOYS:)

Friday, May 29, 2009


holiday finally is here, yep, for all students happy holiday!

eventhough holiday is here but it maybe not a holiday for me. busy with studies and cca. hahas, but some people would be more busier than me:) so i will handle it. having the goal to get better results for the 2nd semester so now i really have to work harder than i usually had. i think this test i did not put in alot of effort in it. quite sad about my results so yeah, have to work hard!!!

still reading new moon but going to finish!!i have to read finish before the movie comes out. ready to read eclipse. but before i read it, i have to read the two chinese book and the history thingy book so have to take quite long. hahas, i just have to say: have a great time in perth people who going to perth:)

sec 2 have a good time in their nyaa camp:) SL's too:) HAVE FUN:D

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


back from knowing my results, it had gone worst. i really have to buck up. i had to think about next year now even if its too early. i cannot be a last minute eventhough i had been like that so i need to change to be more confident in my subjects.
band is back today, seeing the sec1s having a hard time in the rhythm. exciting:) good luck to them this fri. hahas, section fund will be receive by me. MONEY COME:) okay money face.
or how the world can seem so long
or how the world can see so vast
courage see me through
heart i'm trusting you
on this journey to the past

Saturday, May 23, 2009


i think that rainbows are very beautiful, seven colours joined together makes a nice match
red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo, violet. nice colours matched together form rainbow
hahas, i suddenly thought of rainbow cos i watch a video and i saw rainbow and its specially nice to see. i rmb that when i go for sec 3 camp, i saw rainbow in the sky. its pretty and again in school on the day during examination.
i wonder when i will see a rainbow again in the sky:)

Friday, May 22, 2009

back again

hahas, back again
staying at home doing nothing but surfing internet and listening to songs
heard new songs that i like it, thanks val for recommending.

recently quite addicted to computers i think its becos mid-years have over.
sighs, days had been travelling faster and faster and you din not know what
time it is and you had realised that time had become later than you think.
time never waits for you. i think that time faster, maybe the earth had speed
up its rotation.

thinking that i am still a child but no, i am growing up. growing older and older
i wish to go back time when i was young. i want to create a time machine to return
being a kid is so nice, everyday only knows how to smile, laugh and cry, making
people laugh. its so nice to be that way. seeing my cousins laugh allow me to think
back time. hahas, being a kid is so good. okay, i had been talking about time for too long.

busy everyday also not a good thing so i think i better relax now if not next year, no more
relaxing now.

i like candle by hey monday! its so nice:)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

the matter of days

looooonnnnnng not posting, busy with LOT of things.

now finally posting,mid-year exams finishes on wed so i had been at home playing, watching, typing the whole day
playing games can be fun but when you cant go to the next level, you are tired of it already. i had been going to facebook
all the time. now changing my skin too.

i want to drink HOT CHOCOLATE IN STARBUCKS.i drink that on wed with val:) cooling and nice talks with her.thanks val:D
june hols is coming and i had to start studying hard cos i know i cant make it for my amaths and physics. as what dad say, i have to
practice my assesmentbook now.
bored but i cant waste my time cos its not all day like this, going to school is also quite tiring so yeah, xiang soh:)