Friday, November 30, 2007

Band Camp


just came back from band camp and getting ready to post my band camp journey:D yeps.its tiring.heehee.okay lets start with day one:)

DAY 1:

my mum drove me to sch to meet Qinping and WeiLu. then we have briefing for our band camp.we have group discussion after that.we are to gather into our groups and discuss what to perform for last day of the camp.cheer,skit,song.many.we chose cheer as its was more easier than group leader, YuWei, assistant leader, ChingLeng.Elfina was our Sec 3 advisor. very fast we had figure out our cheer thingy. then we have full band to practice for SAF central band invitation. after that we are divided into brasses and woodwinds (percussion) to sit in different bus.HengJie and Dionysia they all having good time laughing and becos of HengJie's contagious laughter.i also laugh like hell.then we reached central band finally:)then,we saw some brown t-shirt guys doing drills.i thought they din wear any clothes becos of their tanned skin and everyone in the bus start to eeeek!hahas.then we went for photo-taking.then we went for the tour briefing.they given us some welcome gifts and appointed us to many groups for touring around the central band.our tour guide,Benny,take us around.then i saw this very old was very VERY old and RUSTY.its used by a man(i forget this name).while Benny was also a trumpeter since primary school:)hahas.then we have to play ROSS ROY and AMAZING GRACE to them.after our performance(i played very badly:( ), its their turn to perform for us.then we have sectionals with their SL.our SL,Benny,(its not the Benny who guide us around) teaches us alot of,the way of breathing the air,straight.low c to high c.he was so damn pro.he can from low c and blow until very very high c.and his fingering was fast.heehee.he gave us some notes for us to practice our trumpet.then we played the two songs again with was nice.then we went back to sch to get ourselves clean.i meant bathing.we went to the bathroom and saw a very big GRASSHOPPER!i dunno it was Locust or grasshopper.its was so and we quickly bath and went out of the bathroom.everygirls were screaming.i was so scared.then we have our dinner.then we have our night activties.KIDNAPPED.we are supposed to find the hostage and must go past every section.we are the last to was fun actually.then we have supper.then zzzzzz...ohh wait! we also played cards before went to zzzzz:)

DAY 2:

wake up about 6am.brush teeth,change clothes for morning exercise.then we have breakfast(bread with peanut butter).then sec1 which was us have theory test!then full band we played LAY MARMALADE.. and with the dance.heehee.then we have on song performance.then lunch(chicken rice).then we have drills.then we have some games:)last also:P.thenwe went for some water bomb!seniors pour water with DETERGENT!and we juniors throw water bomb at them.i dunno i got throw at Janelle:P.heehee.oops.then we go for bath.AGAIN!the GRASSHOPPER still over there the whole night.i thought it fly away yesterday.then we called for mdm hidayah.then she called for some boys to catch it.then we were saved.hahas.have a good bath.then we have our dinner(fried rice).then...we have our NIGHT WALKS! then we went through many sections.quite fun but then scary!then we went for sleep....

DAY 3:

ohh almost late!we rushed for exercise.then have full band. then have captain ball games then went home sweet home:)

yea,its tiring but then fun:)heehee.

Friday, November 23, 2007



i was being very bored so i decided to post my blog.yesterday having band practice AGAIN!but then is the last one this year.i think so.maybe:(now preparing for band camp:)hmmm.when you visit my blog,tag me okkays?leave a TAG okkays?ok ok now i am being annoying:Di had told you once i like FINAL FANTASY VII & FINAL FANTASY VIII rite? heehee now i uploaded videos for this two animes couples:Pi know FINAL FANTASY VII is known as advent children.

this is from FINAL FANTASY VIII : Rinoa and Squall:)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

and this is from FINAL FANTASY VII - advent children : Cloud and Tifa:)

hahas.hope you all like it cos i felt these are nice videos.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

hahas:)i know i had change alot to my blog.i'm trying to change a little bit on my blog cos its sounds or look boring rite?i guess so.cos can see from the tag and some of the reasons is i long time din really go and post.hmm.i guess i have really rotten my blog:(but then i tried to make more effort on welcome!heehee.tag when you leave kkays?opinion?its having band again.sighs.concentrating on our pieces.and recently we have our theory test,i scored it very mr wong returned back our papers.and practices on ross roy.hmmm.yeps its all day practicing that.and we heard some onsongs.trumpet sections,flute sections & euphoium and tuba section:)after band then straightly head back home.jeez.its tired man!!!

during the band camp we'll have to visit central military band.hmm looks fun.heehee.din really went online this days cos very tired.looks like not all ccas have their cca during hols.dunno why?i dunno wad to post these days.heehee.i think i will be ending my post here.

nothing much to say...but then i say one more time

enjoy your holidays!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

hey i had changed my blogskin:)sorries for not posting for soooo LONG.busy doing with my homeworks:Pi know alot of people haven't complete or haven't even start yet:Dman man lai;Dheehee,now having alot of band practices.hmm.quite tired.and still need to prepare for band camp.sighs.morning jog really refreshes me from uploading some pictures kkays cos i have nothing to write on.heehee.ok i will try to post oftenly.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Saturday, October 27, 2007

heys!!!sorry for not updating.but i had changed the blogskin.

now,i am like having a competition with time.its seems that time flies faster that i now is already 2nd week of term3 and its going to end this i am studying for tml chinese test.i dont now why lah,but now i felt that i recently become very lazy and wad our home economic teacher said that when depressed u may eat more than usual.seems that i will be fat.tml gotta band.i noe its tiring but still must continue with the cca.since the start of the year,i strive hard to get to my goals, success but now lazy.even though teachers may give stress but it was a time to let ourself get ready for further more challenging problem.
like a problem solving,its like u need teachers teaching then u noe how to solve rite?i dont now why i want to talk about DAO just now i felt at the bottom of my heart.looks like my blog was full of anime cartoon.yea.i told ur that i really like anime not is LOVE anime.others may think i am a little siao, siao but its my hobby and my faves.

to cool urself from stress may have different methods like shouting at ur house,write ur feelings in ur own dairy or anything u can express ur own feelings and mood.if u r that kind of mood swing person,pls bear the mood to ur dairy or give out all ur feelings to may help you better.or can write poems...if gotta any problem, can tell me in the tagboard or tell me personally.

looks like tml was a very tiring day.gotta pe,band and lots of tiring our class havent even have the proper chairman.waiting for voting then i will vote for jiexin,qinping,xinhua or other responsible ppl.hope that everything will remain fine after the person take the chairman place.i noe how val felt for being the chairman.shouting, control the whole class was not an easy task.get ready for everything.gtg liao...bye

Monday, October 22, 2007


ohh now everyone was busying with their results after knowing their test marks.yeps.hoping to promote to secondary 2 express for us,secondary 3 express for sec 2s,secondary four express for sec3s and finally a good school for the secondary 4s this year.hahas.good luck!time flies fast then what i think and cannot feel what happen now and then.just fast.very fast.i think my literature and english was very badly done.must jiayou next time!hmmm.i started to loitering around other peoples blog to see.they have good poems,post,or even pretty pictures:)hahas.yeah,today went back home with valerina and jiexin WALKING from school.very long time did not exercise.what will i do during the holidays?maybe when swimming,or study for sec 2 syllabus.see how we can play whatever we want like maplestory,audition,psp,gameboy,ps3 so on and so forth.yep:)i should guess correctly.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


sorry for not updating for beocs of the eoy i think alot of you might be very tired and stress out but now we only left two more eoy paper to go so all the best to everyone of you!you all can do it!these 6 test that we had been done were very tough,agree? fast we are going to sec 2 and become senior for the next year sec 1.ohh yea!thanks for all the tagging, guys!i had tagged you back:)hmm..i think next years paper might be more difficult than had changed to either physics or chemistry.maths problem might be more difficult than now.i cant believe all the sum are going to blast our brains.hahas.but lucky,our hols would be coming and still have 2 more weeks!ohh yea yesterday is eugene's birthday!happy belated birthday and to kang cheng toos!lols.i had been wondering how our sec 2 life would be?but now we will have to enjoy our sec 1 lifes before it ends.all the best and jiayous!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


i wouldn't be updating my blog cos of internet connection everytime diconnect so i maybe not onling.maybe 1 month or 1 week.hahas.forget all about the past and recevice a new path for me to walk.or maybe 2 months.

Friday, August 24, 2007


happy teacher's day

i may not always update cos i have something to busy just feel like posting my blog.this few days we have alot of things happening.but i am not going to say them all today.yesterday,in the morning,we have rev-up(suppose to be in tue but fri was aces day so it change to fri)road run.i noe that i jogged very slow cos i have long time not running in result decreasing my stamina.lack of breathe and my stomach very pain cos never eat breakfast.but in the end had finished the whole road run.after road run,we have the teachers day celebration in the the beginning was annoucing the awards for different calgories then have the students performance as well as sc.quite nice.then in the quadrangle held the teachers vs student captain ball tournament.student won alot.hahas.its very exciting seeing them play even though we are just audience sitting down there cheering for them.after the whole day in sch,me,val,jiexin went to jp to eat lunch in subway.but unfortunately no set meal.then we had to eat separated and additional of drinks and cookies.thanks to val for treating me barley and m&m cookie.i will treat you a sundae!:)after that,we went to op and wallet shop to see and buy somethings that have offers,then we went to library to borrow some read read.suddenly jiexin and val called 1.30pm.thats wat i supposed to meet and val rushed to take 242 bus while jiexin went straight back to her sch.

when we reached there,i saw loads of my fwens so as val:

1) wen hui
2) cai juan
3) justina
4) kaifeng
5) zhi qi
6) abigile
7) tiffany
8) whye lin
and lots more....thanks for everybody's help in the heart straws.1 euphoric rocks!!!
this tuesday will be 1E class outing
time will be about 11am-3pm
destination at sentosa
hope that your will be there enjoying the fun!
yea!pls come and have a nice day there!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

sry no time to update cos of folkdance and NDParade i feeling different from my previous emotion.i felt more relax without liking lesser streee eventhough its not as bad as stressing the,i just standardise myself as single and i just wanna study unitl the end of this year then i looked at the minor or so called as'relationship' problem

why must love trick so much people's feelings, emotion.let them be emo.i dont wanna everybody surrounded me looking sad becos of this silly emtion.this emtion wasn't going to change your life.move on to a new path which leads you to good future.dont even bother about love again.

when you're gone
the pieces of my heart are missing you
when you're gone
the face i came to know is missing too
when you're gone
the words i need to hear to
always get me through the day and
make it ok
i miss you

as long as stars shine down from heaven
and the rivers run into the sea
til the end of the time,forever
you're the only love i'll need
in my life,you're all that matters
in my eyes,the only truth i see
when my hopes and dreams have shattered
you're the one that's there for me

imagine me without you
that kinda sorrow
day after day i miss you
maybe its impossible

love is a emtion
that plays on you
that made you

love trick your

love-less was more
better than love
no worries,hopes or


love sometimes makes you
but not all the times,
sorrow the most.

heart shattered into million pieces
hatred flow through
my blood,
even my body

Sunday, July 8, 2007


if you get sad easily.then means you have mood swing.its not that i say you are like bad temper or i dont wan you to be sad always.dont be my you become like that i was likedunno how to say already.its not i blame you or wad.its that we can have dun together eventhough you had any problem.i noe how you felt cos i am once like that.

mood swing fast.
mood changed fast.
let it be buried under your heart.
to wake you up from unhappiness.
open your eyes for new start of the journey
and bring happiness.
joyful with you.

sorry to those who i had made them sad.cos you noe i am a very terrible person.if i have mistake,pls tell me.and the worst important thing was that i dont wanna any more misunderstanding from now on.friend is a person who go through hardship and happiness with you.and a very trustworthy person.any problem,dont hide under ur heart.just tell us.we maybe can let u calm urself or even help you solved the problem.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

heys!!!sorry for not updating.but i had changed the blogskin.

now,i am like having a competition with time.its seems that time flies faster that i now is already 2nd week of term3 and its going to end this i am studying for tml chinese test.i dont now why lah,but now i felt that i recently become very lazy and wad our home economic teacher said that when depressed u may eat more than usual.seems that i will be fat.tml gotta band.i noe its tiring but still must continue with the cca.since the start of the year,i strive hard to get to my goals, success but now lazy.even though teachers may give stress but it was a time to let ourself get ready for further more challenging problem.
like a problem solving,its like u need teachers teaching then u noe how to solve rite?i dont now why i want to talk about DAO just now i felt at the bottom of my heart.looks like my blog was full of anime cartoon.yea.i told ur that i really like anime not is LOVE anime.others may think i am a little siao, siao but its my hobby and my faves.

to cool urself from stress may have different methods like shouting at ur house,write ur feelings in ur own dairy or anything u can express ur own feelings and mood.if u r that kind of mood swing person,pls bear the mood to ur dairy or give out all ur feelings to may help you better.or can write poems...if gotta any problem, can tell me in the tagboard or tell me personally.

looks like tml was a very tiring day.gotta pe,band and lots of tiring our class havent even have the proper chairman.waiting for voting then i will vote for jiexin,qinping,xinhua or other responsible ppl.hope that everything will remain fine after the person take the chairman place.i noe how val felt for being the chairman.shouting, control the whole class was not an easy task.get ready for everything.gtg liao...bye

Saturday, June 30, 2007

friends forever!!!

callling mum...

pop!!!jiexin came out from my side

under the sunset...

val and me.

me and jiexin

jiexin and val.cute and pretty

see the nice

we take it from the busstop there.the grassland they so pretty, i so ugly

heys!!!today very happy cos after band practice, me and jiexin and val went to eat lunch and drink the pearls delight!!!hahas.then both of them came to my house to practice the band marches and testing on eachother's instrument (val's stick, jiexin's clarinet, mine trumpet).then we take loads and loads of pic on the way home and at my house...can wait for this mon for badminton with jiexin,qinping,xinhua!!!more pics!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

mikan and natsume
Kaito and lucia

full moon wo sagashite

sakura and syaoran

kira and lacus

i have change quite lots of thing.i change the video, welcome pics and songs. i have nth to post but i have lots of anime pics. i find them all from photo bucket.tml is school reopens.sigh.
jia you all the time

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

heys guys!sorry long time no update cos no time.gotta stack of homework waiting for me to finish.finally finish only the biography...hahas...time is the last week of holiday.

today i went to library to discuss the game board.i cant figure it out that the short hair girl was suzyana cos she reborn her hair...very nice!!!lol.they went to buy the stationary while me and jiexin stay in the library to think the quesitons...very pain arh my head...thinking of the question.xing ku le jiexin.after we were done with that, we went to jurong point to shop.sazlina,jiexin,suzyana all brought sth but not me.haha.then went home with sazlina and jiexin.

yesterday,me and jiexin were finding books in the frontier for biography.sian.then went home start learning trumpet.cannot blow.very sian.

happy birthday yazid!!!
sorry no present!!!

Friday, June 8, 2007


i had just upload the pretty boy mv.after you watch rite,there will appear alot of pics below.thats the related video.there also gotta card captor sakura and syaoran video with the song pretty boy.hahas!!!shiok.but very boring.i just find something irritates me [maybe not].just very fan lor.i felt like lifting my soul and be free from problems.i am very stressout by homework and band.homework gotta need to learn unknown march songs.and even reflections!!loads of projects!!!i cant take it anymore.i really cant take it anymore.i just want to break free from homework and stress.i just want to cry in the room.

i believe that i can fly.believe in me.i try my best to finish wadeva things that block me from happiness.i just want to be happy.thats all.

believe everything you is you,me is me.i can do it!!!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

heys!!!i reupgrade my blog already!!!come and tag me in the tagboard!!!and try listen to the songs i added in.:).
hahas...i try to design but the most gong fu wan is vanessa.thanks!!!sorry that todays post maybe a little short.awaits!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

today all the day,i have been covering my face from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.i dun really want to see his face.hack care noe that kind of feeling.i dunno.really tears.

to my fwens:

i felt rather being alone.your console me.thanks for all.i control my feeling.especially valerina.val, thanks for everything.good fwens and sisters foreva!thanks for scolding him.but now i quite like gotta full feelings on someone else.hahas...dont guess the name.only your noe want.if i gotta make ur sad.angry.sorry for everything.really.

today was like so until 2pm.combined learning champions.graduation suites.very fun of learning those but very difficult.too bad janelle din come.after band.i was like sleeping for hours.hahas...nth more to post.


listening to pretty boy again.thinking of someone in my heart.

Lyrics of pretty boy:

i lie awake at night
see things in black and white
i've only got you inside my mind
you know you have made me blind

i lie awake and pray
that you will look my way
i have all this longing in my heart
i knew it right from the start

oh my pretty pretty boy
i love you
like i never ever loved no one before you
pretty pretty boy of mine
just tell me you love me too
oh my pretty pretty boy
i need you
oh my pretty pretty boy i do
let me inside
make me stay right beside you

i used to write your name
and put it in my frame
and sometimes i think i hear you call
right from my bedroom wall

you stay a little while
and touch me with your smile
and what can i say to make you mine
to reach out for you in time


oh pretty boys x3
say you love me too


damn nice lor.try listening to it!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

heys again...

i dont noe why you dont wanna trust me.i dont noe lah...just that i am so fed up with guys.espcially that guy.cant believe it he say me not trustworthy.ok now i dont give a damn care to him,he think wad.lying to him.ok lor,now i dont even want to talk to want to be sympathise say lah.i can asked somebody who can console think ppl are so free to talk to you me time is precious.cutting your hand.think what head!.you think this is fun to make off ppl feeling,i think you better back off.this is not my first time being made fun of my feeling.i thought that you are suffering by emo.but i think that is feck want ba....i dont even wan believe you again.ok lah.fine.

now my heart was like sinking now into the sea and never come back again unless there was someone to pick up for me.i cant take it anymore.if gotta any boys really want to play a fool on girls, i tell you better vanish into thin air.why your have to do this to make ppl ppl dont noe suffer,i tell you, you better suffer first.pls be aware on wad you done.i have done scolding ppl.i really want to be free from being suffer by him.

flying up into the from i am thinking of spreading my wings and fly into the sky like a bird.totally free from everything.homework.relationship.or maybe even fwenship.sorry for all my fwens.i felt really very down.being hurt by a trusted fwen.

my new motto:
dont really trust a guy at the very start.try to make friend with him but not too trusted into him.

sorry for not updating blog.if u wanna comment pls click comment at the bottom of a post.and if gotta any problem pls do so in the comments.

now listening to pretty boy....nice lor.cant forget.hahas...hope that all boys are pretty in their hearts.

Monday, June 4, 2007

heys again!!!

today was like siao!!!val came to my house then john and trish.then my dad.we quickly play hide and seek with my dad.cos i was scared of my dad.then we waited for him to bath but he kept watching we started to panick.i quickly say val gotta come but not john and trish.omg.then ah gong came to the rescue so my dad noe.scared scareed.tonite gotta got scolding but no.hahas....bye gotta go cos use too much time posting about band camp.siok tml go out with john and trish...hahas....wait for tml update...

i need to tell someone something:

why do you think i am not trusted.why must let me in pain.why you dont trust me.even gotta secret i tell you but you betray me.i cant believe what you had done.not onlining...i hate you!you made me hate you want lor.sob sob...
heys.long time no post.i haven't been post for almost 3 to 4 days.hahas.

i just came back from my band camp.if you asked me nice or not, i will say ok lah cos the most uncomfortable thing was sleeping time.stomach ache,headache.sighs.ok lets start with the 1st day.

i went to school with val and reached there about 6.50am as we were told to come at 7am for briefing.when we reached there,we saw alot of band ppl.and after a few minutes,natasha and gloria told us to settle down.first we had drill.we were like siao doing the sirdiyah and turn check.really screaming like siao especially jiexin.hahas....then we had combined.listening to mr wong's speech.and posture.and brreathing.sighs.zzzz....felt like for lunch.we were asked to sit in group dont have val,jiexin weilu and even qinping.sighs.but i met them very fast and became good fwens.have angelica,meiting,potato,huiyi and putree.NASI LEMAK!!!!with the rice green green appetipe to eat.sectional, janelle taught me graduation suites.very fun lor!thanks we play wecko.senior and junior wre suppose to i with janelle,qinping with hengjie.exciting.i remain on the same place.telematch,our group gotta last but nvm.drill 2 we learnt turn and sirdiyah.sian but we had water bomb.val dragged me to the toilet and use basin tap water and spray water at me.i revenge by using the tube and connect the tap and spray her.bath time!!!weilu,val,qinping and i quickly rashed to our respective room and take toiletries and to the toilet to 2 i forgotten what we play but nvm.then dinner.AGAIN NASI LEMAK.omg.why always the same.damn it.night activity was nite walk.i was like scared by the senior like siao.even we have movie to watch.i was too tired to watch then fall asleep so as val.then was zzzzzz.

waken up by qinping...i went to change and brush my teeth.breakfast was wonderful.cheese with bread and hotdogs.siok.then have theory class.ha sian....then telematch2 we play captains!then activity we have amazing race.we gotta first so siok!!!with huici.then prize presentaiton.we gotta a pen feather.then home sweet home.hahas...

wonderful rite?lol.another post coming up!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

yesterday went to JEC instead of escape theme park.cos val wasnt allow to come so i asked john and trish whether they want to go.they agreed but last minute say cant go so far so we change destination to JEC to watch movies.jiexin and i decided to meet eachother to go to JEC together.when we reached there trish and john was eating at the japanese resturant eating their we also planned to eat we are waiting for vanessa, we go and see which movie to see but we decided to take neos then go to IMM to shop.

we were like taking neos like siao.keep on retake retake.hahas.very funny every neos, i was like very nerd leh.very and jiexin and trish were very chio lor.and john was very cute.if u want to see tell me.actually trish was my cousin so as john.if have the chance i can intro them to u.hahas...ok.then we go IMM and shop.nth to shop but vanessa bought some we take a shatter bus home.what a great day!!

today is vesak day so early in the morning need to go and pray.went home immediately then sleep until 3 sth.headache develop.very pain sia.then went to eat lunch.pack my camp things for tml's band camp!!!!so excited.hahas.gtg le.bye.wait for my next update!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

yeps!!hi guys again!

today was like ultra-fun!going to val house early in the morning...DING DONG,DING DONG!!!nobody answer.okkie trying to using knocking.vernette opened the door with her tired look and say"ohh hi!"calling her sister valerina up.was being serve a glass of orange juice after that..thanks!then went to her carpark to get her dad's car ready...

reached school was about 8.30am and saw jiexin,jia yi and huijia!!when reached the band room,no sight of qinping and weilu,thought that they maybe not inform that gotta band today...luckily they came at the dot.hahas...briefing for the band camp.very funny as what the senior were talking about.'towel,shampoo,toothpaste,toothbrush'said sadam.then the other seniors say'can say toileries or not' sadam say'must be clear what to bring mah'.lol.then we went to jurong point to consume our lunch then to frontier..

borrowed 7 books leh...very heavy cos now doubled up..hahas...after that val came to my house to use much she went back home so early so i fall asleep.until 7pm.pig mah.hahas...then have dinner at home but not at grandma house.

suddenly felt so hard to being in a very big crowd.squeezing eachother without having a breathe.i felt myself loosening something.i felt like loosening my grasp.cannot spread my wings apart.and fly.why do i felt like this?feeling uncomfortable.sry that todays post can be quite lame actually in fact.cos seeing other ppl blog...i hope that i can find someone to lend me his or her shoulder to my guest.okkie.valerina, sry for my bad attitude to u.and love ya.jiexin too.

Friday, May 25, 2007 i was facing four sides of walls and nobody to talk to.....sighs really very tired.cannot go out...just staying at home doing nothing but homework.finding info of sound of music.talking in msn.tired of typing todays things lets toke about yesterday things.

yesterday early in the morning...mum and i went to school to get my result and conicidence saw huai qian and her mum.reached the classroom,joey and her mum was sitting down on my chair waiting for rafi's mum to get up on her sit.finish.joey's mum started to talk to mdm hajar.eventually we get to see mdm hajar at about 8am which was 30mins after our appointment.getting the result was happy.mum treated me breakfast lunch and dinner.dinner we went to expo for the food exhibition.alot of food smell.buying alot of food home.sms valerina,i am full.the whole nite talking to valerina and jiexin,sms valerina.

today both of them are going to ignyte to see narnia.envy.very envy.hahas...cannot go.just sit down and watch.hahas...thats why is tired...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

starting out on the last day of term 2....mdm hajar came back from hospital!!!hahas...LOL.welcome back...hahas...we has our oc aka operation clean up so every westwoodian was supposed to wear PE attire.during the oc was very fun!jiexin was asked to clean the staircase,me and val was asked to clean the class room as well as others.val had helped me alot and we always change pail together.hahas...huaiqian saw me then say that she noe why i always want to go to the toilet.then she say want to see HIM mah...i blushed....then pail water dirty again so kang cheng want to change then xiao tian also want to so me and val went to the boys toilet to wait for them.then the stupid kar how say i 'bian tai'.say i went to boys toilet but that was almost want lor...very fed-up then HE saw that!!!cant imagine.he was cleaning the wall so as i.LOL...then students was asked to go to hall to assemble.first row same as him then i kept on looking at him so as me.hahas...'xing fu'.

after school ms ripple let us see japanese anime cartoon 'the spirited away' and another one i din noe the name...very nice,val and jiexin went to jp to buy cookies in chip madcadamia,val-double chocolate and jiexin-double chocolate.hahas...we planned to play badminton together at val house park but in the end jiexin cant make it so me and val play together half an hour.very fun lor.hahas....LOL....

today is the last day (sry to say) of term 2....wish everyone happy holiday!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

today really quite scared at the start of the day cos when i met val, she was like gotta something bothering her.hurm....but in the end okkies already.hahas...todays lesson was quite ok especially mother tongue class that time me,val,sazlina,suzyana,jiexin,songpei laugh like wad until our throat very pain.hahas....(sighs)after school still gotta band, me,qinping,val and jiexin went to the hawker to eat our lunch.then we felt like drinking bubble tea so we went to the shop which was near there and bought 2 cups of oreo chocolate.1 for me and qinping, other for val and jiexin...its was almost 2.30already so we quickly rush back and qinping were struggling to finish the drink...FINISH!!!we ran to the band room luckily wasnt late for band cos we had it before.LOL!we had sectional from 2.30 to 3.15.blowing and blowing hahas...then mr wongs lesson.very tired wan to sleep...zzzzz.....hahas...

5pm finishes band then went back by 181.....with val and qinping.hahas...

lets toke about emo.why emo can let someone being so helpless and sad.cutting own self without hurting.i dont noe why they need to be like someone who influence somebody does it feel like.

Monday, May 21, 2007

heys! sry for no tag board cos havent was quite happy cos me and val had alot of laughter in the english trying to get some 'ling gan' for my writting competition.hahas...after school,those who wants to noe the result can stay back but me and val din stay back cos we are all rushing to get back home so val can come to my house as early as possible.LOL...very happy at that time.playing wif val, update post was quite fun...

being invited to ignity was a very surprised thing to me.i was like begging my mum to let me go to adams but she doesnt want to being persuade but opposite i was being persuade by her...very stupid leh...tis few days i am feeling quite emotion-LESS.i dont noe why?when things happened to me, i felt like that cant be bothered and damn made me no feelings to face that.i really cant belive wad i had become.hahas...just that a little more happier than last week.

Last week was like so moody the whole day and always kana let teachers scolded friday kana scolded by ms lim lor.i was waiting for my fwens cannot meh.toot!!!really hate her lor!!!dont noe wad was she thinking.arh!!!wadever.... cant wait to go to escape theme park!!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007






Wednesday, April 25, 2007

adventrous day!!!!

HEY!!! this is my new blog. hahas hope u like it!!! todae 1E went to bukit timah nature reserve. its so fun and full of langhter. hahas. todae is quite sad cos i had a cold war with valerina with that stupid thing. but now was okkays already. it was because of HIM! but i didnt blame him. hahas...

after school val come to my home to create my blog. its all her gong lao loh!!! thanks val hahas! i had taken photos with my dearies. hahas. really have fun with val, CLAra, JIExin,AHma, AHgong. hahas. i looked so nerd in the photo. lol!

lucky i am almost sit next to him... in the end i sit beside alvin... lucky if not i dont neo wad to do. hahas... nvr mind hahas.

got to go!!!! wait for the next post(: